Drama Workshops

Our Drama workshops are highly entertaining and well structured. You can opt to choose a range of workshops for the different classes or you may book a workshop for a specific class to enhance their knowledge and understanding on what they are studying in class. Our Tudor workshops are popular with Years 3 and 4 and Early Years enjoy our Fairy tales and Fables workshop.

Drama is a useful and effective tool to promote voice and speech, confidence and reading. Our workshops encourage projection, spatial awareness and listening skills. The children get to portray famous historical figures and have the opportunity to go back in time to relive the era the children are working on in class. You can even arrange for the children to dress up for the workshops!

Great Fire of London

Invite King Charles II (above) to take the children back in time to 1666. The children have the chance to re-enact the lead up, the causes and aftermath of the Great Fire. The performance will involve scenes narrated by King Charles II giving the students a creative approach to learning, understanding the effects of the Great Fire in an enjoyable setting.


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The Victorians


This workshop focuses on the children in Victorian London. Led by the energetic 'Charlie the chimney sweep' the children are taken on an adventure looking for jobs and life at a Victorian school. This exciting workshop dramatizes the daily lives of children from the Upper classes and Lower classes.


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The Tudors

Join Elizabeth I the last Tudor Queen as she retells the story of her father Henry VIII and his infamous wives. Find out what it was like in Tudor England and how Henry broke away from Rome to form his own church; the Church of England. You may also opt to have a Tudor dance for the children to perform.


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Other drama workshops include:

  • Fairy tales and Fables

  • World War Two

  • Wild Wild West

  • Mighty Romans